About US
Our Mission
Our Story | About Kividea
KIVIDEA was started in 1999 and officially registered in 2000 under the Societies Ordinance (Reg. NO.SO 10532) as a non-profit and non-governmental organization. The founders were a group of youth who had agreed to volunteer to mobilize other youths to change the status-quo in their community. To date, Kividea is built on the model of peer education.
In 2018, Kividea has changed its registration from association to organization which enables its operations through out Tanzania main land.
KIVIDEA is managed by a Board of governance, elected in a General Assembly of Members. A new 5-member Board is in place since February 2018 for a 3-year term. The Board gives direction to programs and ensures accountability and integrity in the organization. The Executive Director participates in the Board meetings as Secretary of Board. He appoints a Coordinator and program staffs, who constitute the executive team to implement the day-to-day activities of the organization.
The current executive structure of KIVIDEA comprises 2 Program Units headed by Program Officers, all of them coordinated by a Program Manager. The two program Units are: The Youth Unit, and the Child Unit. Youth activities are specifically implemented through Youth peer clubs which are basic structures of service delivery in and out of school.
KIVIDEA has built competence in working with adolescents and youth in- and out of school to address risky behaviors. We give special focus to adolescent girls and young people in less resourced areas. Since 2012 Kividea’s work has been specifically directed towards promoting access to adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) linked with gender-based violence. Between 2012 and 2016, Kividea partnered with Women’s Promotion Centre, a local women-led organization to implement a gender empowerment and GBV project, with a strong focus on implementation of the SASA! Community mobilization Approach in Kigoma urban. In 2017 Kividea initiated its own projects with support from terre des homes schweiz and in 2018 the UN Women funded a 1-year project to mobilize communities and empower youth to prevent and respond to VAWG in 3 districts in Kigoma region. Over 100 empowered youth activists have engaged in communities to challenge norms, practices and gender beliefs that foster violence against women. These youth lead a larger movement for advocacy and accountability on VAWG.
1. terre des hommes schweiz: Funds the Youth empowerment and MVC support project in Kigoma municipality and Uvinza district.
2. EngenderHealth – project to Increase access to quality family planning and other reproductive health services in all districts of Kigoma region.
3. UN Women: Funds our “Jamii Salama project” addressing GBV in 3 districts in Kigoma.
Our Management and Experience
KIVIDEA has a general members’ assembly and a Board of governance. The general assembly of members meets once every year for regular meetings, and anytime in extra-ordinary meetings. The Executive Director is the Secretary of the Board, composed of 5 members and elected in the general assembly for a 4-year term.
Board members are elected for their academic qualifications, personal integrity, experience and or commitment to the organization’s goals.
The Board is responsible for the general management of the organization and guarantees accountability and integrity in the organization.
The Board employs the other Executive Director, and approves the employment of all other executive staff upon proposition by the Executive Director.
Target Groups / Beneficiaries
KIVIDEA activities benefit primarily two groups:
Children from the age of 4 – 14, with special concern for orphans and children living under difficult circumstances (most vulnerable children);
Youth and adolescents aged 15 – 25 in school and out of school, in rural and urban settings.
Kividea runs an MVC program that support 120 children in Uvinza DC and Kigoma Municipality. The children are selected by Most Vulnerable Children committees’ members from the registers at ward level. The program to support Most Vulnerable Children (MVC) was introduced in 2012 and currently support 60 children in 4 wards of Uvinza DC and 60 children in 4 wards of Kigoma-Ujiji Municipal. This program also builds the capacity of local ward MVC committees to provide care and support to the children and their families.
Youth and adolescents participate in KIVIDEA through local teams of peer educators in target wards/villages who mobilize and educate other youth in their areas, and help initiate and manage youth-led actions/initiatives which Kividea supports. Youth participate in the initiation, planning and implementation of activities in their village teams. Currently KIVIDEA is implementing 2 projects that cover active in three rural wards and villages of Ilagala, Nguruka, Kazuramimba and Nyanganga; and all 19 wards of Kigoma-Ujiji Municipality.