KIVIDEA draws its funds from various sources as follows:
- Grants from International and national organizations and public institutions;
- Members contributions;
- Sell of services;
- Donations from good-willed individuals and social groups.
Funding agencies that have supported KIVIDEA work to date include:
- UNICEF: since 2003 to 2010- for construction of KIVIDEA Youth centre and funding of the Youth and Adolescents HIV and Life Skills project;
- ACTION AID: since 2005 to 2010 –HIV/AIDS education for prevention in Kigoma rural;
- FOUNDATION FOR CIVIL SOCIETY: 2008 to 2011 –Youth education on youth policy and national strategy for poverty eradication;
- EMBASSY OF GERMANY: since 2002-construction of nursery school classes;
- WORLD FOOD PROGRAMME: since 2002 to 2012 provision of food supply for the nursery school;
- TANZANIA JAPAN FOOD COUNTERPART: 2010 to2014 funding of Karagho Irrigation scheme;
- TANZANIA DEVELOPMENT TRUST UK: material support (furniture) for Kividea youth center, renovation of youth centre building, renovation of nursery school, funding for child playground, and equipment support for a catering course;
- GERED GEREEDSCHAP GERNANY: material support (vocational tools) for Kividea youth center;
- terre des hommes schweiz: since 2011 to date youth empowerment and OVC support in Kigoma municipal and Kigoma rural, and core funding
- EngenderHealth – project to Increase access to quality family planning and other reproductive health services in all districts of Kigoma region from 2016 to 2019
- UN Women: Funds our “Jamii Salama project” addressing GBV in 3 districts in Kigoma from 2018 to date.